Individualized Accounting Care

Tax Accounting
Saving You Money
Our qualified staff can assist you with the yearly preparation of your Income Tax Returns.
The services we offer include:
Individual Tax Returns
Sole Trader Tax Returns
Investments (Shares, Rental Properties)
Discretionary Trusts and Unit Trusts Tax
Self-Managed Superannuation Funds
Company Tax Returns
Personal and Business Ongoing Tax Planning
New Business Start-up

Alleviating Stress
LMC Accounting & Taxation take a practical approach to assist you with your personal and business accounting needs.
Our accounting services include:
- Cash Flow Management
- Cash Flow Forecasts
- Tax Planning
- Budgets
- Special Purpose Financial Statements
- Financial Statements

Business Advisory
Enabling Growth & Profitability
We help our clients realize their full potential by helping them achieve their financial goals.
Our Business Advisory Services include:
- Business Tax Planning
- Software Advice and training
- Structure Advice

Company & Corporate Secretarial
Effective Administration
We can assist you with all your corporate requirements to ensure that your business runs smoothly.
Our services include:
- ASIC assistance
- Company set ups
- Trust set up
- Complete and lodge registrations with regulatory bodies.
- Applications for ABNs, GST & FBT Registrations
- Ongoing lodgement of ASIC Forms